Legal Assistant Job Opening

Published July 22, 2022

Duties and responsibilities of the Afghan Legal Assistant

Consulting with Afghan clients to determine their legal assistance needs.

Interviewing clients to obtain relevant immigration-related information.

Assisting Afghan clients in drafting asylum claims or reference letters.

Assisting in the replacement of lost, damaged, or incorrect immigration documents.

Explaining relevant USCIS forms to clients, such as I-589, I-821, I-130, I-730, and I-485.

Helping Afghan clients fill out relevant USCIS forms and compile supporting documentation.

Facilitating communication between Afghan clients and immigration lawyers or USCIS officers.

Helping organize workshops, virtually or in person, on relevant immigration-related topics.


$25.00/hour or $52,000/year, plus all standard benefits.

Required Qualifications

Minimum four years of college-level education.

Minimum two years of experience in an administrative or management position.

Good command of English and writing skills, presenting facts in a clear and organized fashion

Application Requirements

Submit a resume to Dr. Phuong (Email: and a one-page write-up explaining why you believe you are the best-qualified person for this job.

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